Thursday, April 19, 2007


Seriously...You're not me, you never will be. It's not that I own any of my style, or music legally, but I do own my thoughts and needs and actions. And when someone who has known me for years looks the same, dressing in my clothing, preteneding to know the music I listen to, as if you've heard it long before I have...And now its even come down to the people I love that you've attempted to get close to, but its funny because last time I checked they couldn't stand you. Get a fucking grip and stop trying to be me. Personally I'm not that effin amazing, but if I'm your hero, then be a friend, don't try to act just like me. Don't try to prove that you're more outstanding and that you know everything in the world. Just get a fucking life and get out of mine, because I'm one of a kind, so what the hell are you...

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